


Čuvena dizajnerka nameštaja pronašla je idealno mesto za boravak tokom aktuelne situacije u našoj zemlji i svetu

Lepa dizajnerka i ćerka Verice Rakočević trenutno boravi na Baliju, kako je otkrila na društvenoj mreži Instagram.

Ona je u proteklom periodu objavljivala fotografije nastale na ovom prelepom indonežanskom ostrvu, a najlepšu do sad je podelila juče. Na njoj je lepa Elena zagrljena sa svojim sinom Simonom.

— Moj mali sin i ja. Sami na kraju sveta. Ovo vreme je lekovito čistilište za sve ono neisceljeno… Samoća, melanholija i duboko potisnuta tuga. Viri tamo negde iza ćoska duše i želja za zaštitom. Zagrljajem u kome se rastapaju sve nesigurnosti. Tragovi potrebe za kontrolom pravedne jezikom logike u brigu o velikoj deci — napisala je Elena.

Ona se prisetila gradova u kojima je nekad živela.

— Daleko su i Madrid i London iz ove perspektive nemogućnosti… Tako je to na putu duše. Uvek ima još nešto na čemu bi se moglo poraditi. Uvek može dublje. Srećom u tim dubokim mračnim vodama leže biserne školjke. Svaka tama krije riznicu skrivenog blaga ako imamo oko da vidimo, uši da čujemo i hrabrost da se usudimo… Zdravi bili — završila je dizajnerka nameštaja.

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Reclaiming the sacredness of Menstrual Blood 🩸🩸🩸 Menstruation is a sacred, beautiful and empowering aspect of womanhood, of the Essence of the Goddesses that we are. 🌙🌙🌙🌹🌹🌹 Our Moon Blood is a potent elixir that holds the resonance of our unique energetic signature and nowadays women are giving their power away to patriarchal ideologies taking drugs to stop their menstrual cycle, using tampons and pads bleached with the cancer causing chemicals and seeing their menses as inconvenient curse.. OUR BLOOD IS SACRED and each month we have the opportunity to make an offering of our moon blood back to the Earth as our ancestors used to. 🍀🍀🍀🩸🩸🩸 It is very important in the process of healing the patriarchal wounds and conditioning to bring attention and awareness to the way we release our sacred fluid. 🩸🩸🩸 Menstrual blood offering is an ancient tradition that nurtures our connection with the Earth Mother and allows us to participate in an exchange of energy with her. Through the last couple of years i have initiated many women around the globe into this sacred ritual. ✨✨✨ There are many different ways of collecting our moon blood. By using Moon Cup instead of pads end tampons we can connect with our wombs our sacred feminine essence, collect our blood for offering and contribute to the healthier environment.

A post shared by Elena Karaman Karic 🌹 (@elena.karamankaric) on


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